WorkServer Brochure: Modules

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The WorkServer is the Ideal Platform for the Next Generation Telecommunications Infrastructure.

The WorkServer is the modular SPARC solution for High Availability in the Central Office. Its simple design allows a wide variety of configurations in a tightly integrated system, and advanced management features make the WorkServer easy to maintain and upgrade. The WorkServer's Intelligent Maintenance NetworkTM  seamlessly integrates monitoring and maintenance services for all WorkServer components. In addition, the WorkServer is fully NEBS (Network Equipment-Building System) compliant, tested, and certified: GR-63-CORE and GR-1089-CORE. The WorkServer meets the requirements for deployment in the Central Office, and the enhanced OAM&P functionality makes it simple to deploy and service the WorkServer in today's network.


WorkServer Modules are the building blocks for High Availability services. These Modules leverage off-the-shelf technology coupled with GNP's Intelligent Maintenance Network and enhanced Operations, Administrations, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM&P) functionality to provide a complete solution for complex computing requirements. Data I/O for all Modules can be routed through the Midplane, and each Module has an Intelligent Maintenance Node to interface with the Intelligent Maintenance Network. All Modules use independent, dual-feed -48VDC power supplies, enabling the WorkServer to use standard Central Office A/B power feeds. These tightly integrated Modules combine open systems technology with advanced system management features for a completely configurable and reliable solution for Central Office computing.

[ Shelf Unit Image ] Shelf Unit

The Shelf Unit physically houses all of the Modules and the system Midplane. Measuring 48 cm (19") tall by 48 cm (19"), 60 cm (24"), or 68 cm (27") wide, each Shelf Unit can be configured with any combination of Modules.

Midplane Image ]Midplane

The Midplane is the connecting area for the WorkServer Modules. The Midplane routes data I/O between Modules, distributes power, and provides the network connections for the Intelligent Maintenance Network. This minimizes external cables and enables plug-replacement of all Modules. The Midplane can be separated into two electrically and/or physically isolated halves which can be independently hot-replaced.

CPU Module Image ]CPU Module

The CPU Module supports standard SPARCengine 5, 20, and new UltraSPARC® 1, 2, and AX motherboards running standard Solaris operating system software, with integrated boot disk, power supply, and optional floppy drive or CD-ROM. The CPU Module is 100% compatible with all Sun software and hardware, because it is a Sun. This includes all SBus and MBus expansion options as well as third party Real-Time Operating Systems. Advanced cable-management features allow front-panel signals (from I/O ports on the motherboard or SBus expansion cards) to be directed to the system's Midplane for routing to other Modules. This eliminates most or all front-panel cabling, so the CPU Module can be plug-replaced as a unit - without removing and replacing cables. In addition, the entire CPU Module line is designed to be plug-interchangeable and field-upgradeable, making it simple to keep processing power up to speed with computer industry advances.

Media Module
Image ]Media, SCSI, and RAID Modules

Media Array Modules provide flexible data storage for the WorkServer. Each Module houses two or three media devices: hard disk, DAT, floppy, or CD-ROM. These devices are mounted in the Media Array Module on hot-pluggable carriers, each with independent power supplies. The SCSI Switch Module can be used to interface chains of SCSI devices with multiple computers, and the RAID Module supports hardware RAID 0, 1, 1+0, 4, and 5, with up to 18MByte/s host access and an optional dual host interface.

Serial and Ethernet I/O Modules

I/O Modules include high speed 16-, 32-, and 64-port asynchronous serial communications controllers and 24-port ethernet hubs. These Modules connect internal and external devices, using the Midplane for interconnects when possible to reduce front panel cabling. Onboard Maintenance Node circuitry provides remote access to port status and control of device functions. SNMP functions are supported on appropriate modules, such as the Ethernet Module.

[ Fan
Unit Image
]Fan Unit

The WorkServer uses a forced-air multi-fan cooling system with dual power feeds and independent fuses for each fan. If a fan drops below 80% of normal operating speed, the Intelligent Maintenance Network raises an alarm notification, and if a fan fails, spring-loaded baffles close to minimize loss of cooling efficiency by preventing blow-through and loss of air pressure.

Next Section: Intelligent Maintenance Network

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